You are currently viewing Ship Clock Part 2
Larger Clock Platform

Ship Clock Part 2

I’ve removed the two movements and added photographs. The smaller painted dial London marked clock has a mt size of 4 7/8″. The larger clock has a mvt size of 5″. Both have nice thick plates and elegant posts that connect the front and back plate.

They both have has a fusee with the original chain. This is the Miniature bicycle like chain that wraps around the barrel then extends to the demi hyperboloid shaped fusee piece. As the spring in the barrel gets to the end of the week there is decreasing power (inaccuracy). The fusee increases the power to the barrel as the spring weakens thus a greater accuracy of timekeeping.

Both of these clocks have larger older style platform escapements. These are the top pieces with the hairspring and balance wheel. More modern versions of these clocks have platforms that are about 50% smaller in size. I find these very attractive in appearance. Just a quick look but the hairspring on the larger clock needs to be reshaped. They need a nice round shape that is centered well and has equal spacing throughout the wind.

What I really like is the brass housing that protects the larger platform. It’s not common in my experience. More tomorrow unless I’m fishing.

Larger Clock Side
London Clock Front
London Clock Top
London Clock Side
Larger Clock Front
Larger Clock Top
Larger Clock Platform